Roberto Coin at Petite Genève PetrovićStoriesCollections
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The story of this brand has begun in 1996 and the name is given by its founder, Roberto Coin. He has innate love for the art and fashion. In the short time, story of Roberto Coin, his work and creativity truly became works of art.


The designer, Roberto Coin was born in the city called City of Gold, Vicenza – a source of infinite design inspirations. At first, he was successful hotel manager but because of his passion for adventures he decided to leave his career and follow a dream.

Experimentation and his taste turn each creation into a piece of style and unexplainable beauty that soon catches the attention of the jewelry world.

Each piece of this brand is the result of precise process and also journey among past and future, different cultures and multi-ethnic influences. The capability to transfer dream, adventures and experiences into the jewels makes this brand unique and unmistakable mark of identity.

Unique signature

With Roberto Coin jewelry you can feel the touch of ruby on your skin, because this brand signs each one of his pieces with a small ruby inside the jewel. Ruby’s direct contact with skin is something that all of his clientele deserve to experience. That magical signature represents the message of love and best wishes that Roberto Coin dedicates to everyone who decides to complete their look with his jewelry.

Over the last decades this brand is being recognized as the author of the most interesting and special trends in the jewelry world by fashion world. Many creations from this brand are chosen each year by celebrities (both fashion and movie stars) to accompany them on the prestigious red carpets.

Tireless instinct of this brand always bring something new that pushes Roberto Coin to create over 600 new models a year. All of his jewelry satisfy the needs of the most diverse international markets.

Guarantee of quality

Roberto Coin purchases polished diamonds only from the legitimate source and has zero - tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds. The mentioned legitimate source are subscribe to an international system of certification and warranties known as the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) and the System of Warranties.

KPCS imposes on its member to extensive requirements to illicitor “conflict” diamonds from legitimate trade. On the other side, the System of Warranties provides assurance that diamonds are from conflict free sources all the way to the diamond jewelry retailer.

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